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Servo Accessories

Servo signal reverser

Servo signal reverser

Specification:Voltage:4-6V/current:20A Suitable for 9G Steering Gear ServoInput voltage: 4V ~ 6V (..

Rs:118 Rs:169 Ex Tax: Rs:100

Servo signal reverser inverter

Servo signal reverser inverter

Description:Servo Signal Reverser , suitable for any servos.It can make forward servo reverse rotati..

Rs:169 Ex Tax: Rs:143

Servo Splitter

Servo Splitter

Specification:Cable length: 6cmInput : Female 1 Signal Output : Male 5 SignalPackage Contains:1..

Rs:153 Ex Tax: Rs:130

Servo Tester

Servo Tester

Specification:Output: ≤15 mA (5.0)Input: DC 4.2-6.0 VOutput Signal: 1.5 ms ± 0.5 msSize: approx. 46 ..

Rs:105 Rs:124 Ex Tax: Rs:89

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)